Truth is, the status of military, both stoplossed and like me, a known cyberwar free agent spy for Lockheed Martin and spec ops aerospace command...You no what, let me cut to the chase> The US and other G-20 nations are rid of their cause celeb fears. and we are currently engaged not only in a sci-fi capitalist dream but all is well in the realm of the foreign Internet cafe>i'm writing this from such a cafe that looks both as the foreign world of cloak and dagger, mega-titan journalist industrialists, but also the world i grew up with in such movies as "Breakfast at Tiffany's" "It's a Wonderful Life" "Dr. Strangelove" and of course all the James Bond movies starring Sir Sean Connery.
Oh, and as usual, due to my ever increasing greed and humanism, i leave you with a hot tip to close the deal. Find all you can about The NASDAQ OMX Group and The Global Dow. Cheers, Marc Wolski
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