Friday, August 10, 2012

Jason Bourne in the Real World!!!

Just saw The Bourne Legacy. Guess you have to like "the real world of espionage"(a la Times Square: Spy Exhibition) to enjoy this cinema. I thought Aaron Cross, the latest in rogue agents, was intrigueing & the tie-in to Jason Bourne at the end of the movie, with Pamala Landy exposed as conspiring with Bourne with her release of classified Treadstone information, and Noah Visen testifying about Bourne at a congressional hearing was pretty cool. I wonder if there's some kind of real world incidence of Pamala Landy's expose that takes the form of the NY Times recent release of actual classified US intelligence information. My favorite one of these NY Times classified intel releases was the one in the June issue of the NY local hardcopy paper which details Stuxxnet, Duqu and the Wipe cyberspy/cyberwar internet programs in the guise of some sort of real world tie-in to Jason Bourne!!! Note, this Duqu-Jason Bourne article is on the first page of the NY Times buisness section. Look it up in the following link, I dare you.
~Marc Wolsky aka/the Illuminati